Omage MediSpa
Sirota Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
-Laser Hair Removal-
This laser treatment effectively removes unwanted facial and body hair. It targets the pigment inside the hair follicle without damaging delicate pores and structures of skin. An individual on average needs about 4- 8 treatments to see significant clearance in the treated area.
Tired of shaving , getting razor bumps or just sick of unwanted hair. Get started now!
Prices depend on area treated
-Laser Vascular Treatment-
During this treatment the blood vessel collapses causing the vessel to blanch. Works well on targeting the following:
Rosacea & Redness
Leg Veins
Spider Veins
Broken Capillaries
Multiple treatments may be required.
-Laser Rejuvenation-
This treatment combines heat and light to warm the dermis under the skin stimulating collagen growth. Works well for the following conditions:
Skin Tightening - loss of laxity
Active Acne Conditions
Acne Scars
Pore Size Reduction
Pigmented lesions: Brown spots, age spots, sun damage
Oily Skin
Surgical Scars
Multiple treatments may be required
Candela, AerolaseLightPod ND Yag and Palomar Starlux 500 are non invasive lasers. There is no long term health hazards from light and thermal energy used. Treatments are gentle and requires no down time. These treatments can be performed on ALL skin types.
Gentle Max
